Skinner Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1HG

01977 794 179

St Giles C of E Academy

Growing Together


Mathematics at St Giles 




At St Giles we aim for all children to be mathematically confident and have a love of Mathematics. Maths is a journey and long-term goal, achieved through exploration, clarification, practice and application. At each stage of learning, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic, and be able to build this up over time.

We are dedicated to fostering a culture of deep thinkers while nurturing confidence, resilience, and a genuine passion for mathematics. By making the subject fun, exciting, and accessible to all, we aim to show students that math is not only relevant but also enjoyable. From the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) onwards, we focus on building fluency in mathematical fundamentals, alongside the ability to reason, solve problems, and apply a variety of strategies to support learning. This approach helps students make meaningful connections between mathematical ideas as they progress through their education. We also place a strong emphasis on mathematical language and questioning, encouraging students to discuss their mathematical thinking and extend their understanding through meaningful dialogue.

Our curriculum is mapped by the White Rose Maths Hub scheme of work. We focus on a progression from concrete resources to pictorial representations and finally into the numerical abstract to aid our children’s conceptual understanding. As a result, we are seeing a growth in confidence in all of our learners, especially in areas of problem solving and reasoning.

In EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2, we further support this learning with the NCETM Mastering Number Programme which aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children. By the end of KS1, children will leave with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. We also are part of the Local NCETM hub and work along side them in the 'Teaching for Matery' Promgramme. 


How is mathematics taught in EYFS?

There is strong subject knowledge in EYFS, where children spend time exploring, acquiring and reinforcing the basic concepts, before being offered challenging opportunities to work beyond the early learning goals. Our intent for mathematics in the early years is that children have a deep understanding of the number system, first to 5 and then to 10 in order to prepare them for Key Stage 1.

We follow the WRM scheme. Children are exposed early on to key concepts such as place value and number bonds, so that they have a good basis from which to work in Key Stage 1- This is done through the mastering number programme. 

 Maths is taught daily as part of a focused, discrete teaching activity in EYFS. Children are then provided with learning activities based upon this teaching, so that they can refine and develop their knowledge and start to apply their skills. In addition to this, opportunities for mathematics teaching and learning are developed through the routines of the school day, e.g. counting how many children are here today.

Mathematics challenges, as well as opportunities to apply skills and embed knowledge, are carefully planned for through the areas of provision in both the indoor and outdoor learning environments.


See below mathematics progression throughout school. 


Mathematics in action...