Skinner Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 1HG

01977 794 179

St Giles C of E Academy

Growing Together


Physical Education

Academic Year 2023 / 2024


Competition at St Giles

Enhance MAT Football Competition 

 Our children in KS2 took part in the first ever inter-school competition between all of our Enhance Schools.

Amazingly our children won both leagues coming away as league winners.

An amazing achievement from everyone involved. 

KS1 League Winners

Our KS1 boys are league winners. 

KS2 Gymnasts

Our KS2 gymnasts placing in the Yorkshire Gymnastics Competition. The children have qualified for a National Competition.

UKS2 Cheerleading

After an amazing experience at Blackpool Tower Ballroom our Year 6 superstar cheerleader placed 3rd in her nationwide competition.

A very special achievement!

KS1 Multiskills

Our KS1 children spent the morning developing new skills and meeting new children from other schools. They were amazing ambassadors for sport and represented the school fantastically.

Well done team! 

LKS2 Festival

Our LKS2 children applied their PE learning to a competition between the Pontefract Academy Trust schools. Coming away as winners. An amazing experience for everyone involved. 

UKS2 Football 

Our boys did us proud! Representing the school with great sportsmanship and commitment. They narrowly missed out on a place in the final and should be very proud of their efforts.

In the photo you will see one of our former pupils helping to referee at the event. Proof that we encourage a lifelong love for PE at St Giles. 


Whole School Dance at the England Vs Fiji halftime show

Our amazing children were involved in performing at the half time show during the most recent International Rugby League Test Matches.

Despite the weather, our children performed with amazing spirit and confidence. 

A once in a lifetime experience! 

West Yorkshire X-Country

After finishing in the top three for the Wakefield area, our 'Wild Cards' competed against the whole of West Yorkshire at Temple Newsom.

A fantastic experience that saw our girls place in the top 20 for their age group. 

Future superstars in the making. 

Year 5/6 Girls PAT Football Competition 

Our Year 5 and 6 footballers won the competition held at the A1 Football Factory.

There were some very close games with some excellent skills on show.

Well done to all team involved it was great to see such high quality and exciting matches.

Year 5/6 Boys PAT Football Competition

St Giles were involved in their first Pontefract Academies Trust competition of the year.

We competed against other primary schools in a round robin style format.

We came away with 2 wins and 2 losses- winning our final for 4th place.

It was a great opportunity to put our half terms PE learning into practice.

Year 3 and 4 Tag Rugby
St Giles were invited to take part in the Pontefract Academy Trust Tag Rugby competition at Pontefract Rugby Club.
After some very close games and amazing performances, our superstar rugby players came away as the competition's overall winners. 
An amazing way to end the school year. 

P.E. Curriculum Overview and Progression Map

Knowledge Progression 

Pupil Feedback Data

The information reported is from a sample of UKS2 children. There was an equal mix of genders and all children involved completed the feedback independently. The information shows an overhwhelmingly positive outlook to Physical Education at St Giles. The data included will be used as a starting point for the development of staff and to help monitor the status of PE at St Giles.

Please use the information below if you are thinking about joining an after school club or out of school team

Pupil Voice


'Forest schools has helped me face my challenge and persevere.'- Year 3 pupil

'PE lessons are fun and energetic.'- Year 5 pupil

'Swimming has helped me a lot with my breast stroke because the teacher helps tell me how to position my hands and body.' Year 5 pupil

'Afterschool football is really fun. I love that Mr Greatorex joins in and helps us.'- Year 5 pupil

''I think PE is very fun and I feel like I learn new skills.'- Year 6 pupil


For any information on the Primary Sports Grant for PE and Sport, please select the 'Our School' tab, then 'Official' and finally 'Financial'.  This will then provide all the details on the Primary Sports Grant at St Giles C of E Academy.